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Something unnatural, it was almost as if it was being birthed or escaping the grasps of something constraining it. But at that moment, once it was free of the only thing keeping it restrained seeing why it had to be. Frozen unable to think, move or even breathe. 

Being present in the vicinity of one, twice the size of a human, the hairy skin with boils due to infections of untreated wounds, and the tangled, unkempt mane with God knows what inside.

While observing, going around that creature, and taking gentle steps all kinds of emotions were being felt at the same time.

There was this urge of touching it but at the same time, there was this fear that wouldn't allow doing that.

It started moving, it couldn't have seen as it had no eyes. It feels the presence and grabs with one of its scarred tentacles and pulls closer to it.

After opening its mouth, not a pretty sight, it had teeth laid in a circular pattern going all the way down to his throat, the projection it has for its tongue is covered in green saliva. While opening its mouth the green saliva dripped from it. Then it starts to roar, it was more of a screeching sound, but deep and ear-ripping. Thinking that it would just rip its head off but instead, it smelled and left as if it wasn't even interested in attempting to eat. The way the beast had come into being was horrifying, watching it rip that portal to make its way through.

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